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  • Hours, fees and location?"
    Hours The sushi class is for about one and a half hours, depending on the number of children. Plus a half-hour preparation and cleaning before and after the class. At the class, children will be given a half-hour lesson about sushi making and a demonstration, and then they will have a chance to create their own sushi rolls. Each child can make at least two sushi rolls. They will decorate the plate (presentation is important!), take a photo, and enjoy the taste. Fees The basic fee is $300 for up to 6 children and $15 per additional child. It includes all the ingredients and other necessities such as plates and chopsticks. You provide us with space, tables for workstations, and access to water to wash hands. Location The class is at a location of your choice, outside or inside, anywhere in the NYC metro area. I will travel outside of the area such as Long Island, Upstate, New Jersey, etc, with a small extra to cover toll, gas, and traveling time.
  • How old do children need to be to participate in the sushi class?
    Any age, we've had children as young as three years old upto high schoolers. The class will be tailored according to children's age. Pre-school children will not take part in any cutting process. For children under 5 we recommend 6 or less partcipating children.
  • What if my kid has allergies?
    All of our food is handled in a nut-free environment. Please make sure to inform us of any allergies to egg, sesame seeds, seafood and any ingredients listed on our menu page.
  • What do I need to prepare?
    You don't need to prepare anything. We will bring all the ingredients and materials needed for the class. It is, however, important that you have a facility (sink and running water) where children can wash their hands before and after the class. You should also provide the space with a big clean table to accomodate the partipating children.
  • What is your cancellation policy?
    Please notify us as soon as possible for rescheduling or canceling. We normally buy the ingredients a few days prior to the party and start preparing the food at least a day before. Please understand that for a same-day cancelation, half the fee will be charged.

Any more questions? Please contact us at

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